Have You Had This Important Indoor Air Quality Product Installed?

September 13th, 2021

If you’re like many other homeowners, when you hear the term “air quality,” you might think about the air outside, not the air inside. We get it–we don’t think many homeowners think about their indoor air quality at all unless it’s so bad you can’t ignore it (we hope it never gets to that point!)

Unfortunately, the truth is the air you’re breathing might not be as healthy as you think. You also might not be as comfortable as you could be. Many folks think that all they need for air filtration indoors is their HVAC air filter, but this air filter is meant to protect the equipment itself, not your indoor air!

No, for that, you’ll want to consider the installation of a whole-home air purifier. Read on to learn more!

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The Various Sounds You Don’t Want Coming From Your AC

August 16th, 2021

Perhaps, in the not too distant future, we will have air conditioners that self-diagnose malfunctions and report them back to the homeowner in explicit detail. It’s really not too far-fetched of an idea if you really think about it–a smart air conditioner to go with your smart thermostat, right?

Unfortunately, this isn’t quite the reality yet, and we have to rely on other methods for our air conditioners to send us warning signals that something is amiss. Maybe it’s a decline in cooling power or an unexplained increase in your energy bills. Or, it could be that your circuit breakers for the indoor and outdoor units keep tripping.

One of the most common signs that something is indeed wrong with your air conditioner is strange sounds coming from the system. But what qualifies as a strange sound? Honestly, it’s going to be anything that’s different from the normal, everyday noises you hear coming from the system.

Like what, you ask? Read on!

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4 Signs You Need Late-Season AC Repairs

August 2nd, 2021

If there’s any home service that you shouldn’t delay when you know you need it, it’s going to be air conditioning repair. This is definitely the time for it, too. Whether or not homeowners have their air conditioners professionally maintained, if they’re going to run into problems it’s going to be late in the cooling season, after their systems have gone through a ton of work and strain. The last thing you want is a surprise breakdown, right?

But the longer you wait to have your air conditioner repaired, the more likely this is.

So, you know to call us when you need cooling system repair… but how do you know you need cooling system repair? We’re here to share some key signs. Read on!

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Tips for Choosing the Right HVAC Contractor

July 19th, 2021

When you live in a climate such as ours, where a massive heatwave can hit just as easily as a major blizzard, it goes without saying that homeowners need fully functional HVAC systems that work as effectively and efficiently as possible. You need your air conditioning system and your heating system to work flawlessly day in and day out, season after season.

For truly reliable HVAC service, though, it’s essential that you work only with trained and experienced professionals. You want an HVAC contractor who you can trust and who will get the job done right the first time! This isn’t a partnership anyone wants to just rush into, as doing this could leave you with an HVAC system that’s not properly sized for your home, or even installed incorrectly so that it can’t possibly work as efficiently as it was meant to.

Whether we’re discussing installation, maintenance, or repairs, you can trust our team. But how do you know that for sure? What are the qualities of a good HVAC contractor? Read on!

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What Kind of AC Should You Have Installed?

July 5th, 2021

Summer’s just begun and there’s no doubt you’re looking forward to keeping cool indoors with your refreshing air conditioner. Of course, if you’ve come across this blog post, then there’s a good chance you’ve found yourself in need of a new cooling system altogether.

Don’t worry, we’re here to help! This isn’t a purchase you want to rush into, as there are many factors to consider. The first question is, should you go with the same type of air conditioner you’ve always had, or make a switch?

The best way to answer this question is to look at your options and get professional assistance with selecting the best option for your specific home and comfort needs. Read on to learn what those options are.

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The Perks of Whole-Home Air Purification

June 21st, 2021

When considering air quality, your mind probably goes to what’s in the air outside, like mold or pollen. But what many homeowners don’t realize is that the air indoors can be much more concerning. In fact, without the right indoor air quality products and services in place, your indoor air quality can be worse than the air quality outside.

This is especially detrimental if you have household occupants who suffer from allergies, asthma, or any other type of respiratory condition. So what can you do about it?

One big step you can take toward improving your indoor air quality is having a whole-home air purifier installed. Read on to learn more!

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Why Size Matters with your AC Installation

June 7th, 2021

So, you’re in the market for a new air conditioning installation. At least, we’re going to take a guess that is why you’ve come across this blog post. If you have the budget, you’re likely tempted to purchase the biggest and best air conditioner you can find, right? That’s a great idea… except that it can actually be too big!

Yup, that’s right. An air conditioner can actually be too large for the space in which it is installed. Homeowners usually don’t consider this possibility–they know that an air conditioner can be too small but don’t really think about it the other way around. But in actuality, an oversized (overpowered) air conditioner can be just as detrimental to home comfort and the efficiency of your air conditioner as an undersized (underpowered) air conditioner. Read on to learn more!

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What Happens During Cooling System Maintenance?

May 24th, 2021

If you follow our blog, you’ll see that we talk about maintenance quite a bit. This is for good reason, maintenance is important! Too many homeowners dismiss this service as a “luxury” that only the lucky few who can afford it get for their HVAC systems. That’s not true at all.

Your air conditioning and heating systems need care just like the vehicle you drive does.

During your HVAC maintenance tune-ups, our technicians will thoroughly inspect, clean, and adjust components that need it, in order to help your home comfort system operate smoother and last longer. Ultimately, this is great news for your budget. But what actually happens during your AC maintenance tune-up? Read on to find out.

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Is Your Air Conditioner Ready for Summer Yet?

May 10th, 2021

Alright, so it’s not quite summer yet. And with our variable weather we may not need our air conditioners much at all! On the other hand, we all know how hot weather can surprise us, especially when it lasts for weeks. Therefore, you want your air conditioner to be ready for summer and all it has to bring.

It’s never too early to start prepping for the warmer months! In fact, right now is a great time to schedule your air conditioner maintenance. After all, with summer coming and things starting to open up again, the last thing you need to worry about is a malfunctioning cooling system, right?

Maintenance allows our technicians to comprehensively clean, adjust, and inspect your AC system for repairs. These steps help it work efficiently and effectively, protecting your comfort and your wallet. Read on to learn more!

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Breathe Easier At Home: Here’s How

April 26th, 2021

Have you ever wondered how you can breathe easier at home? The good news is, there is a way, with one simple installation.

These days, many homeowners are wondering how they can be healthier in their homes—in fact “indoor air quality” has become a bit of a buzzword. We want you to understand what your options are so that you can breathe easier.

One type of indoor air quality system to consider is the installation of a whole-house air purifier. Do keep in mind, an air purifier won’t guarantee that you’ll completely eliminate potentially harmful particles like bacteria, germs, and viruses. But it will certainly help mitigate the risks. Read on to learn more!

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