By the definition of most Colorado Springs residents, temperatures are still pretty “mild.” Still, though, you are probably at least itching to turn on your heater during our very chilly nights. So, what happens if you went to switch your heat pump from cooling mode to heating mode, only to discover that it won’t switch over?
First off, it’s worth mentioning that this problem is a lot less likely to happen with preventive maintenance. While a standard central air conditioner or furnace needs maintenance once a year, a heat pump does twice the work as these conventional systems and therefore needs twice the care.
Maintenance allows our professionals to thoroughly inspect, clean, and adjust components that need it. We’ll also check for signs that your system needs repair, and alert you to those repair needs so you can get that on your schedule.
If you’ve already had maintenance done in the last few months, however, and you’re still experiencing this problem, then it’s very clear something is amiss. But what is it? Read on to find out!
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Tags: Colorado Springs, Heating Repair Service
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